Configuring CldUploadWidget
Basic Props
Prop | Type | Example | |
signatureEndpoint | string | /api/sign-cloudinary-params.js | More Info |
uploadPreset | string | my-upload-preset | More Info |
An API endpoint used to sign the parameters generated during upload.
Find an example of generating a signature on the Signed Uploads page.
Or learn more about generating signatures on the Cloudinary docs.
Learn more about upload presets on the Cloudinary docs.
Upload Widget events allow you to tap into different points of the upload lifecycle including when an upload has completed, but also when it starts the queue and more.
CldUploadWidget supports all native events emitted from the Upload Widget the component wraps. The full list of events can be found on the Cloudinary Upload Widget API reference.
In order to trigger a function based on an event, an event listener can be attached to the widget.
---import { CldUploadWidget } from 'astro-cloudinary';---<CldUploadWidget id="upload-events" uploadPreset="<Your UploadPreset>"/>
<script>const widget = document.querySelector('#upload-events');
if ( widget ) { widget.addEventListener('clduploadwidget:success', ((e: CustomEvent<{ detail: object }>) => { console.log('clduploadwidget:success', e.detail); }) as EventListener);}</script>
All events follow the same pattern:
Where <event>
is based on the name of the event found in the Cloudinary documentation.
The Custom Event will include a details property which allows for access of the event information including results, such as the uploaded resource when listening to the success event.
Name | Type | Description |
event | string | Event name. |
info | string | object | undefined | Result or details of the event. |
UploadWidget | CloudinaryUploadWidget | Upload Widget instance. |
Prop | Type | Default | Example | |
config | object | - | { url: { cloudName: 'spacejelly' } } | More Info |
options | object | {encryption: {...}} | More Info |
Allows configuration for the Cloudinary environment.
config={{ cloud: { cloudName: '<Your Cloud Name>', apiKey: '<Your API Key>' }}}
Parameters used to customize and configure the Upload Widget instance. These options are passed in
directly to the Upload Widget, exposing all available parameters through the options
options={{ sources: ['local', 'url', 'unsplash'], multiple: true, maxFiles: 5}}
Learn more about Upload Widget parameters on the Cloudinary docs.