CldVideoPlayer Examples
Basic Usage
Standard Cloudinary Video Player with playback.
---import { CldVideoPlayer } from 'astro-cloudinary';---<CldVideoPlayer src="<Public ID>" width="<Width>" height="<Height>"/>
Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR)
---import { CldVideoPlayer } from 'astro-cloudinary';---<CldVideoPlayer src="<Public ID>" width="<Width>" height="<Height>" sourceTypes={['hls']} transformation={{ streaming_profile: 'hd', }}/>
Utilizes the browser’s Picture-in-Picture API to create a floating video on top of other windows.
---import { CldVideoPlayer } from 'astro-cloudinary';---<CldVideoPlayer src="<Public ID>" width="<Width>" height="<Height>" pictureInPictureToggle/>
Player Customization
Chapters & Selector
Adding a button to select chapters.
---import { CldVideoPlayer } from 'astro-cloudinary';---<CldVideoPlayer width="4096" height="2160" src="<Public ID>" chapters={{ 0: "Chapter 1", 6: "Chapter 2", 9: "Chapter 3" }} chaptersButton/>
Colors & Font
Changing the player theme using colors and fonts.
---import { CldVideoPlayer } from 'astro-cloudinary';---<CldVideoPlayer width="4096" height="2160" src="<Public ID>" colors={{ accent: '#ff0000', base: '#00ff00', text: '#0000ff' }} fontFace="Source Serif Pro"/>
Adding a custom logo to the player chrome
---import { CldVideoPlayer } from 'astro-cloudinary';import { getCldImageUrl } from 'astro-cloudinary/helpers';---<CldVideoPlayer width="4096" height="2160" src="<Public ID>" logo={{ imageUrl: getCldImageUrl({ src: '<Your Public ID>' }), // imageUrl: '<Your Image URL', onClickUrl: '<Your URL>' }}/>
Poster URL
Allows you to change the poster used for the player.
---import { CldVideoPlayer } from 'astro-cloudinary';import { getCldImageUrl } from 'astro-cloudinary/helpers';---<CldVideoPlayer width="4096" height="2160" src="<Public ID>" poster={getCldImageUrl({ src: '<Your Public ID>', grayscale: true })} // poster={getCldImageUrl({ src: '<Your Public ID>', assetType: 'video' })} // poster="<Your Remote URL>"/>
Poster Transformations
Adding effects to the video’s auto-generated thumb
---import { CldVideoPlayer } from 'astro-cloudinary';---<CldVideoPlayer width="4096" height="2160" src="<Public ID>" poster={{ tint: 'equalize:80:blue:blueviolet' }}/>
Cropping & Resizing
---import { CldVideoPlayer } from 'astro-cloudinary';---<CldVideoPlayer width="500" height="500" src="<Public ID>" transformation={{ width: 500, height: 500, crop: 'fill', gravity: 'auto' }}/>
Image Overlays
Place an image over the video (Ex: watermarks).
---import { CldVideoPlayer } from 'astro-cloudinary';---<CldVideoPlayer src="<Public ID>" width="<Width>" height="<Height>" transformation={{ overlay: '<Your Public ID>', width: 150, gravity: "south_east", x: 50, y: 50, opacity: 80 }}/>
Provides localization options for player labels.
Uses Video.js JSON format to provide labels.
---import { CldVideoPlayer } from 'astro-cloudinary';---<CldVideoPlayer width="4096" height="2160" src="<Public ID>" language="es" languages={{ es: { Play: "Reproducción", "Play Video": "Reproduce el Video", Pause: "Pausa", "Current Time": "Tiempo reproducido", Duration: "Duración total", "Remaining Time": "Tiempo restante", "Stream Type": "Tipo de secuencia", LIVE: "DIRECTO", Loaded: "Cargado", Progress: "Progreso", Fullscreen: "Pantalla completa", "Non-Fullscreen": "Pantalla no completa", Mute: "Silenciar", Unmute: "No silenciado", "Playback Rate": "Velocidad de reproducción", Subtitles: "Subtítulos", "subtitles off": "Subtítulos desactivados", Captions: "Subtítulos especiales", "captions off": "Subtítulos especiales desactivados", Chapters: "Capítulos", "Close Modal Dialog": "Cerca de diálogo modal", "You aborted the video playback": "Ha interrumpido la reproducción del vídeo.", "A network error caused the video download to fail part-way.": "Un error de red ha interrumpido la descarga del vídeo.", "The video could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.": "No se ha podido cargar el vídeo debido a un fallo de red o del servidor o porque el formato es incompatible.", "The video playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the video used features your browser did not support.": "La reproducción de vídeo se ha interrumpido por un problema de corrupción de datos o porque el vídeo precisa funciones que su navegador no ofrece.", "No compatible source was found for this video.": "No se ha encontrado ninguna fuente compatible con este vídeo." } }}/>
Playback Events
Callbacks for player events.
---import { CldVideoPlayer } from 'astro-cloudinary';---<CldVideoPlayer id="video-player-events" src="<Public ID>" width="<Width>" height="<Height>"/>
<script>const videoPlayer = document.querySelector(`#video-player-events`);
if ( videoPlayer ) { videoPlayer.addEventListener('cldvideoplayer:loadedmetadata', ((e: CustomEvent<{ detail: {} }>) => { console.log('cldvideoplayer:loadedmetadata', e.detail) }) as EventListener);
videoPlayer.addEventListener('cldvideoplayer:play', ((e: CustomEvent<{ detail: {} }>) => { console.log('cldvideoplayer:play', e.detail) }) as EventListener);
videoPlayer.addEventListener('cldvideoplayer:pause', ((e: CustomEvent<{ detail: {} }>) => { console.log('cldvideoplayer:pause', e.detail) }) as EventListener);};</script>